"Small Candy Bouquet comes with 4 full size candy bars or treats on top and bottom of vase is filled with small sized candies. Large Candy Bouquet comes with 6 full size candy bars or treats on top and bottom of vase is filled with small sized candies. Premium Candy Bouquet comes in a large stein mug filled with treats on the bottom and overflowing with large and small candy, cookies, trail mixes etc.
Candy Bouquet Size * Please select Small Large [+$8.00] Premium [+$23.00] Mylar Balloon Please select Happy Birthday Balloon [+$6.00] Happy Mother's Day Balloon [+$6.00] Happy Assistant's Day Balloon [+$6.00] Get Well Soon Balloon [+$6.00] I Love you Balloon [+$6.00] Congratulations Balloon [+$6.00] Valentines Mylar Balloon Please select Happy Valentines Day [+$6.00] I Love you Balloon [+$6.00] SALON DEL SOL Gift Certificate Please select Salon Del Sol- Pampering Facial Gift Certificate [+$60.00] Salon Del Sol- Pampering Pedicure Gift Certificate [+$50.00] Funko Pop Please select Bucky Barns [+$9.99] Spider man (2pk) [+$9.99] Sally [+$9.99] Oogie Boogie [+$9.99] Thanos [+$9.99]